dear Bentley386
Well first I gotta commend you on making a game in unity. I myself believe that it takes a lot of effort and knowledge into creating a game. But this game in particular doesn't live up. Sorry, but I like the Idea. The problem is that its pretty simple. All you do is just dodge the oncoming "paint" drop. There are also some issues here and there like the Tires going outside of the platform and earning me an instant lose. As well as the Hitbox being to big. Anyways these are some minor issues, the major issue though that this game lacks alot of things. Its short, it has no music, no SFX and its just mundane at best. I'm sorry but this is just barebones compared to other games that have served more on their plate than this. Anyways good job though, Its a working enough game but it needs some more polishing and additional features or mechanics.
PS: This review and all opinions are solely based on First Impressions
Regards from a Struggling Youtuber